eproc.up.gov.in Registration 2024, Login, UP Dhan Kharid Portal Registration, किसान गेहूँ खरीद पंजीकरण कैसे करे

eproc.up.gov.in Registration 2024 Wheat, Dhan, Paddy Kharid Uttar Pradesh – गेहू खरीद पंजीकरण 2024, Apply Online, Benefits Details are given on this page. ई-क्रय प्रणाली उत्तर प्रदेश 2024, गेहूं क्रय केंद्र रजिस्ट्रेशन, E Kray Pranali 2024.

eproc.up.gov.in Registration 2024, Login [उत्तर प्रदेश गेहू खरीद पंजीकरण]

The Uttar Pradesh government has started a new portal for the people of the Uttar Pradesh state. Now the applicant can do eproc.up.gov.in Registration at this portal. eproc.up.gov.in Wheat Registration – UP Kisan Wheat Registration is started by the officials by now all the farmers of the Uttar Pradesh state can take benefit from this portal. The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh state Yogi Adityanath has approved this yojana to help the country’s farmers to give them self-help. Now the farmers can sell their crops at good prices in the government shops of crops. Now the government will give Rs.1925 rupees per quintal for their wheat. this is a very beneficial term for the farmers right now and all the farmers of Uttar Pradesh can avail the benefit of this scheme easily by registering themselves on this portal using their land details and their details. Farmers can check the registration and login details given below. check them and d your registration.

UP Dhan Kharid Registration 2024-24

Name of Portal UP Dhan Kharid Registration 2024
Also Known as eproc.up.gov.in Registration 2024
Started By Uttar Pradesh Government
Started For All Farmers of State
Eligibility Criteria All Landfholder Farmers
Mode Online
Registration Also Known As Gehu Kharid Registration UP
Benefits To sell the crops in Government shops
Name in Hindi उत्तर प्रदेश गेहू खरीद पंजीकरण 2024
Official Website eproc.up.gov.in

eproc.up.gov.in Registration – UP Gehu Kharid Registration 2024

Now the farmers of Uttar Pradesh can acquire the prices and sell their crops at good prices at government shops and Mandis by doing eproc.up.gov.in Registration. The important thing is that only registered farmers can sell their crops in government shops. The registration process is given below.

  1. Visit the official website of UP Wheat Registration i.e eproc.up.gov.in Registration 2024.
  2. Click on the “Farmer Registration” option given on the homepage.
  3. Now fill the details about the wheat purchase and read the details given on the page.
  4. Now fill out the registration form carefully.
  5. Now you have to fill your mobile number and captcha code in the given fields.
  6. Click on the register button.
  7. Now your registration is successfully done.
  8. Now you can purchase and sell your wheat crops on this portal.

Gehu Kharid Registration Uttar Pradesh 2024

The Uttar Pradesh government has started the Gehu Kharid Registration UP 2024 for all the farmers of the state. Interested farmers can do their UP Gehu Kharid Online Registration for selling their crops in government stores at good rates. As the official news, registered farmers are only eligible for selling their crops and registration is mandatory. Any candidate without registration is not able to sell their crops in these Mandis. Check the details for Registration given below.

eproc.up.gov.in Login Wheat 2024

The farmers who have registered on the UP Farmer Portal can now Login to the portal. Only registered farmers of Uttar Pradesh can do the login process with the help of their username and password. Check the details given below and follow the steps easily to make your login successful.

  1. Visit the UP Wheat Registration 2024 i.e eproc.up.gov.in.
  2. Now you have to click on the Login button.
  3. Now you have to fill your username and password in the given fields.
  4. Now fill the catch code in the given field.
  5. Now click on the login button.
  6. Now you will successfully logged in to the portal.
  7. Now you can check your details on the dashboard and all other details.

eproc.up.gov.in Paddy Registration 2024

Now the farmers can do registration for their eproc.up.gov.in Paddy 2024. Now the farmers who want to sell the paddy can sell it by registering them on the portal as Peedy sellers and then they can sell the paddy easily. The prices given by the UP Government are good and efficient and all the farmers have many benefits from giving their paddy to the government because they are giving good prices for all their crops.

eproc.up.gov.in Benefits 2024

The eproc.up.gov.in Benefits are very essential for each farmer in the state. There are many benefits given by the Uttar Pradesh government for making them feel safe and secure. The benefits are given below check them and do your registration now.

  1. The farmer will get a good price for their crops.
  2. The farmer will get a fixed-price rate for every seed.
  3. The money will be safe and secure.
  4. The bank transfer facility is also available by the government.

eproc.up.gov.in Eligibility Criteria 2024

The farmers have to check eproc.up.gov.in Eligibility Criteria for making their registration successful. If any farmer does not meet the eligibility criteria then he will not sell seeds to the government Mundies and his registration will not be approved on the official portal. So read the eligibility criteria given below.

  1. The applicant must be from Uttar Pradesh state.
  2. The candidate must have a bank account linked with a mobile number.
  3. The applicant must have a mobile number for checking the details.
  4. The applicants must be a farmer by his profession.


Users who want to make their online registration for wheat and Dhan can now use this website to use all the services of the portal. Farmers are suggested to use the official portal for making eproc.up.gov.in Registration at https://eproc.up.gov.in/Wheat2223/Uparjan/Home_Reg.aspx. This is the official web page made by the government of Uttar Pradesh state.

eproc.up.gov.in Registration Click Here
eproc.up.gov.in Login Click Here
Official Website Click Here
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7 thoughts on “eproc.up.gov.in Registration 2024, Login, UP Dhan Kharid Portal Registration, किसान गेहूँ खरीद पंजीकरण कैसे करे”

  1. Sir , i have finished my paramedical application and also i submitted it , after submit i see a mistake in that application , i change my year of passing , so please help me to change that mistake, sir


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