Khatu Shyam Ji Darshan Online Booking, Registration, Guidelines, Opening Dates, Timing, Opening On Sunday Details at Khatu Shyam Official Website
Khatu Shyam Ji Darshan Online Registration, Booking, The devotees were waiting for this for many days, and that time of waiting has now come near. Khatu Shyam Darshan Registration has been started and in view of the affection and love of Shyam devotees, all Shyam devotees can do online registration to visit Khatu Shyam Baba and can visit Baba’s Darshan will be done following the guideline. It is very important to keep social distance and wear a mask on your face. The Shyam devotee who will not follow the Corona guideline will not be allowed to see Shyam Baba. Khatu Shyam Darshan Guidelines You have to follow the guideline given to you on the official website of Khatu Shyam Baba to visit Shyam Baba.
Khatu Shyam Ji Darshan Online Registration, Booking, Timing, Guidelines 2024 at
As we all know the Khatu Shyam Ji Online Registration is started. The devotees can avail the benefit of online registration on the official website and can apply online for the registration process. The candidates who are coming to do Khatu Shyam Drahsna can now do their online registration and then they can come and do their direct darshan with their token number. The approval will be made easy as the registration is online. The candidates can do the direct darshan after doing the Khatu Shyam Ji Darshan Online Registration 2024. The bookings are started and are available online. Check the details given below.
Khatu Shyam Ji Darshna Registration Overview
Name of Darshan | Khatu Shyam Darshan Online Registration 2024 |
Darshan Made | Offline and Online |
Temple Location | Sikar Rajasthan |
Registration Mode | Online |
Mandir Oepning Timining | 8 AM TO 10 PM |
Mandir Guidelines | To wear a mask and be Sanitized |
Khatu Shyam Booking Online | Available |
Official Website | |
Khatu Shyam Ji Darshan Guidelines During Covid
We tell you about the guideline given to visit Khatu Shyam Baba through the following points.
It is necessary for all the devotees who want to visit Khatu Shyam to wear a mask.
- Shyam devotees have to walk in the line by making social distance.
- Devotees must have a negative corona report for 7 days.
- The devotee must have a token to have darshan.
- Darshan will not be allowed without tokens.
- Those who visit have to follow all the guidelines of the Corona pandemic.
- Only the devotees who follow all these guidelines can have a darshan of Baba.
- The devotee who disobeys the guideline will not be allowed to have darshan.
- Legal action will be taken against those who disobey the guideline.
Khatu Shyam Ji Darshan Online Registration 2024 at
Khatu Shyam Seva Samiti has made Shyam Baba’s official website in view of the increasing effect of the Corona epidemic. Shyam devotees can do online registration to visit Khatu Shyam Baba through this website, we tell you on the basis of the following points, how to do online registration for darshan.
- First of all we will go to its official website.
- Then the home page will open.
- Read all the information given on it carefully.
- Click on the option of Registration.
- Now the registration form will open in front of you.
- Fill all the information asked in it.
- Such as email id, name, mobile number, DOB, ID number.
- After filling all this, click on the submit option below.
- Similarly, you will be registered for Shyam Baba’s darshan.
Khatu Shyam Mandir Open On Sunday
The candidates who want to do the Khatu Shyam Darshan On Sunday can now do the darshan. The temple is also opened on Sunday and now the devotees can do the darshan of Khatu Shyam Maharaj. The citizens must follow the covid guidelines during the entry into the temple and if there is no following of guidelines then the officials will take strict action against you. The devotees who are coming on Sunday will come directly to the temple and if they have done the registration then they can go in VIP Line made by the officials. All the details can be accessed at the official website @
Official Website – Click Here
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