Shiksha Setu Assam gov in is a new scheme for children age group under 6 to 14 years of age. The Assam government has made elementary education free for all students in these classes. siksha setu assam gov in Login process is available as the Education is free and compulsory for all students under this scheme. The candidates can access at App. The new portal will be handled by the government of Assam. Candidates can get logged in using Shiksha Setu assam gov in Login at the official website.
siksha setu assam gov in Login, Shiksha Setu Assam Portal
SSA Assam Axom Portal Has been introduced by the Assam government. The Assam higher education authority has started a new portal named Shiksha Setu Axom Portal Login to provide equal education opportunities to the students of SC, ST, OBC and General Cast Categories. The main name of this portal is SSA {Shiksha Setu Assam} It also targets Muslim minority girl children of the state. The main motive for starting this portal is to give an innovative education environment to all the students of the state. The focus of the officials is to create a better culture and provide good education to all cast students of Assam. To make your registration process complete follow the given steps below. App Registration
Assam government has also published an app named as Siksha Setu Axom App to maintain the quality time of students by giving them a shortcut method by using the app in their android mobile phones. Students can make App Registration to make the mobile app installed in their mobile phones. To know more read the details given below.
Shiksha Setu Axom Portal
शिक्षा सेतु एक्सोम असम सरकार द्वारा बनाया गया एक ऑनलाइन पोर्टल है जिसे 2001 में असम में 6-14 वर्ष की आयु के बच्चों को शिक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए स्थापित किया गया था। असम शिक्षा सेतु एक्सोम 2024 का उद्देश्य योजना सभी बच्चों के लिए नियमित स्कूलों में प्रारंभिक शिक्षा प्रदान करना है। यह पोर्टल उच्च शिक्षा विभाग के तहत, शिक्षा सेतु एक्सोम सभी बच्चों के लिए मुफ्त और अनिवार्य शिक्षा प्रदान करेगा एवं अनुसूचित जाति, अनुसूचित जनजाति, अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग, सामान्य, मुस्लिम अल्पसंख्यक, लड़कियों आदि जैसे सभी बच्चों के बीच समानता प्रदान करता है। शिक्षा सेतु असम लॉगिन प्रक्रिया जानने के लिए एसएसए की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट- पर जाएं|
General Details About sikshasetu. assam. gov .in
Name of Portal | Login |
Secondary Name | Shiksha Setu Axom Portal |
Primary Work | App Registration |
Started By | Government of Assam |
Started For | All 6th to 14 Year Age Childs |
Main Motive | To give free education to students |
Focus Framework | 6-14 वर्ष की आयु के बच्चों को शिक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए |
Article Category | Online Portal |
Established On | 18 December 2018 |
Free Education Starting Date | 17 February 2024 |
Mode Of Registration | Online |
Login Mode |
Article Title | siksha setu assam gov in Login, Shiksha Setu Axom Portal 2024 |
Official Website | | Login
Candidates can directly get access to Login using their username and password. Follow the steps below to make your login process complete on the official portal.
- Navigate to the official website of Shiksha Setu Axom 2024.
- You are transferred to the homepage of Siksha Setu Asaam Portal.
- In the Login panel fill your Username and Password correctly.
- Fill the captcha code properly.
- Click on Login button given below.
- Now you have successfully logged in.
Download Shiksha Setu Axom App Assam
Children can get the Shiksha Setu Axom App at the google play store on their android mobile phones. The app has only been introduced for android devices and is not available for IOS Devices. So students who want to Download Shiksha Setu Axom Mobile App can follow the steps given below.
- Open Google Play Store App on your mobile phone.
- Click on the search bar and type Shiksha Setu App correctly.
- Hit on the search button given below.
- Hit on the top result shown on the page.
- Click on the install button given below.
- Now the app will be installed on your mobile.
- Click on the Open button to use the app. Portal Login
The scheme of Shiksha Setu is to provide equality and gender and caste like providing elementary education for all category children like SC, ST, OBC, General, a Muslim minority, girl/boy children, etc. Shiksha setu is a scheme for children who are in the age group of 6-14 in which elementary education is provided to the students for free and compulsory. In the Shiksha Setu app, you can get all the information about the Student’s Attendance, leaves, teachers’ attendance, etc. To know all the information Login to the Shiksha setu Portal via the official website of SSA-, or read the process given below.
Shiksha Setu Axom Portal Registration @ Https sikshasetu assam gov in
Candidates can get registered on Shiksha Setu Portal by registering themselves on this portal. To make Registration the student must fill the registration form with all the correct details. The registration facility has not been started yet and this will start in some time. To make the registration complete follow the steps given below.
- Navigate to Shiksha Setu Axom Portal Official Website.
- Click on New Registration button given on the homepage.
- Fill the registration form with all the correct details.
- Fill up your educational details, personal details and all other details.
- Check all the details are filled or not.
- Click on submit button given below.
- Now your registration has been completed successfully.
Shiksha Setu Assam Portal Last Date 2024
The Shiksha Setu Portal Registration Last Date 2024 has not been confirmed yet. The person searching for the last date for registration can get the update after a short time. You can check more details at the official webpage link is provided below.
Shiksha Setu Assam Portal Helpline Number
Citizens can check the Shiksha Setu Axom Helpline Numbers to get any concerns cleared or have any doubt to be cleared directly by calling the officials using the helpline contact numbers given below. Check the numbers below and call on them to clear any queries.
Helpline Numbers – +91-7032564969, 7207830969 Login Link | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
For Latest Updates Visit | Helpline Portal |
What is the last date of Registration in the SIKSHASETU portal ?
The Last Date of Registration On Siksha Setu Portal is not available now. You can check the details on the given article.
I heard from a reliable source that the last date of entry will be closed tonight at midnight on 19/02/2023
There is no official announcement news of the last date of entry has been come. Please wait for sometime.
404 error
Sir the site has much traffic so please wait and try after sometime.
404 error
The portal is not oppening. what is the last date for submission.
The last date has not been confirmed yet.Please refer to the official website to know more.
Sir, is the free facility available in Private School