The government of Rajasthan has implemented a new portal named as Yojana Sanchalan Portal to encourage digitalization in the state. The government of Rajasthan has made the portal to benefit all the state people and thinking of making paperless work more and more. The Yojana Sanchalan Portal gives access to all the yojanas and schemes running in the Rajasthan state. If you are also searching for Yojana Sanchalan Portal Login and Registration then you are on the right page. In this article, we are giving all the detailed information about Portal. Check the details below.
Yojana Sanchalan Portal Rajasthan
Welcome to Yojana Sanchalan Portal Rajasthan, The government is making the state day by day more digital and paperless by using the new portals and schemes in Rajasthan. Today we are here to give you all the information about Rajasthan Yojana Sanchalan Portal. This is a web-based new portal which has been published online to give the benefit of yojanas to all residents of Rajasthan state.
SNA Portal Rajasthan
Every state of working to be more digital and to make paperless work more the government has started this portal. This portal will hold all the government schemes on one place and residents will get all yojanas and schemes on one page. The payments of all types will be received from SNA and will be mapped under the IFMS and PFMS Mode. Portal Details
Name of Portal | Yojana Sanchalan Portal |
Run By | Rajasthan Government |
Main Motive For Starting | To give Yojana and Scheme Updates |
Made For | Residers of Rajasthan |
Process of Working | Login |
Secondary Name | SNA Portal Login |
Registration & Login Mode | Online |
Payment Gateway | SNA Portal for IFMS and PFMS |
Eligible Candidates | All residers of Rajasthan |
Official Website | |
योजना संचालन पोर्टल
राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा योजना संचालन पोर्टल शुरुवात कर दी गयी है | सभी राजस्थान निवासी भी योजना एवं स्कीम की जानकारी इस पोर्टल पर प्राप्त कर पाएंगे पाएंगे | योजना संचालन पोर्टल राजस्थान की शुरुवात करने का मुख्य उद्देश्य राजस्थान को डिजिटल एवं कागज़ी कामो को कम करना है | जनता को इस पोर्टल का फायदा यह मिलेगा की उन्हें अब सभी योजनाओ की जानकारी एक पोर्टल के माध्यम से प्राप्त होगी | इस पोर्टल को सरकार द्वारा शुरू है एवं इच्छुक लोग इस पोर्टल पर अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन एवं योजना संचालन पोर्टल लॉगिन प्रक्रिया को पूरा कर सकते है | ज्यादा जानकारी के लिए निचे दी गयी जानकारी को पढ़े |
Yojana Sanchalan Portal Login
To login to the Sanchan Portal Rajasthan you have to follow the steps below. Check and follow the given steps below and use your username and password carefully to make the login process successful.
- Navigate to the official web portal of Yojana Sanchalan @
- Click on the Login button given on the homepage.
- Fill up the Username and Password in the given fields.
- Hit on Login button given below.
- Now you have logged in successfully.
Yojana Sanchalan Portal Registration
New candidates visiting the portal must have to make the registration process complete to use the facilities of services offered by the government. To make the registration complete follow the steps given below.
- Visit the Rajasthan Yojana Sanchalan Portal Official Website.
- Click on Sign Up or Registration button is shown on the homepage.
- Fill all the mandatory details in the registration form correctly.
- Click on Submit button given below.
- Now your registration has been completed successfully.
- The email of your successful registration will be sent to your registered email id.
Rajasthan Yojana Sanchalan Portal Helpline Number
If you have any query regarding the Yojana Sanchalan Portal then you can call on the Rajasthan Yojana Sanchalan Portal Helpline Number detailed below. Visitors can call on the helpline numbers at the office time.
Helpline Number – +911415111010, + 91 1415111007
Quick Links For Sanchalan Portal Rajasthan
Official Website | Click Here |
For Latest Updates Visit | Helpline Portal |