ndhm.gov.in Registration Login, Health ID Card Download, Apply Online 2024, Benefits, Helpline Number for PM Modi Health Card India, डिजिटल हेल्थ कार्ड डाउनलोड, रजिस्ट्रेशन at healthid.ndhm.gov.in.
healthid.ndhm.gov.in Registration Login 2024
The government of India has launched a new card for all citizens of India. Now all the people of India can do Health ID Registration for doing registration on this portal. The prime minister of India Mr, Narendra Modi has launched the Health ID Registration Card. Now our country is suffering from many types of diseases like Corona disease, Dengue and all other infections falling In our country. So for this, the government has made a new portal for making India disease-free by visiting healthid.ndhm.gov.in the people can access the portal or for the full details the people can read all the information given below.
What is Health ID Card?
Digital Health ID Registration is beneficial for all the people of the country because by Health ID Apply Online the people can take their Digital Health ID Card. The Heath ID Card Registration will be made for a person and this card will be made online by the Health ID Portal of India. The prime minister of India approved this card for the better future of the country. The Digital Card is made by the Pradhan Mantri Digital Health Mission [PM-DHM]. This card will give a revolutionary change to Indian health. Read all the details given below to make your Health ID Card.
healthid.ndhm.gov.in PM Modi Health ID Card 2024
healthid.ndhm.gov.in Health ID Card Registration is started by the government of India. Now the Digital Health ID Card will be made available by the government in India. The government is giving 14 digits unique numbers for every digital health id card and every person unique identity number will be provided by the government.
All the people who are living in backward areas and living in villages will connect to the portal by online mode. The portal will give benefit the people with the help of big hospitals and doctors to make the people disease-free. The Health ID card will give benefits from all the big and short disses held in the country. The prime minister of India has made many efforts to make health id cards for every person. Now all people can do their Health ID Online Registration for making the id card easily. The registration details are given below read it and make the card.
PM Modi Health ID Card Details 2024
Name of the Card | Digital Health ID Card 2024 |
Started by | PM Narendra Modi |
Started for | All the people of India |
Main Motive | To Make India Disease Free |
Card Cost | Free |
Login Link | healthid.ndhm.gov.in login |
Beneficiaries | Only citizens of India |
Name of Mission | National Digital Health Mission [NDHM] |
Authority Name | Ministry of the health department, India |
Health ID Card Launch Date | 27 September 2024 |
Health ID Card Digit | 14 DIGIT Unique Number |
Total Health ID Cards | 1485000 Cards |
Uses Of Card | For any test, disease, lab reports, medicines |
Mode of Registration | Online Mode |
Card Helpline Number | 1800-11-4477 /14477 |
Health ID Card Apply Online | Available |
Official Website | healthid.ndhm.gov.in |
Health ID Card Registration 2024
Health ID Card is will be available for every candidate in India. Candidates who want to make their Health ID Card can make it easier. The Health ID holds a 14-digit unique number and the registration will be made by using your mobile number or the Adhaar Number of the candidate. The information of the candidate will be accessed by their mobile number so the mobile number is mandatory for the applicant. People who have any type of disease can make their registration and can take free treatment from the big hospitals and experienced doctors of India. The portal puts health as its main aim and tries to make the country disease-free by making cards for every citizen of the country. Now check the registration details given below and make your Digital Health ID Registration easily.
डिजिटल हेल्थ कार्ड डाउनलोड, रजिस्ट्रेशन 2024
डिजिटल हेल्थ कार्ड रजिस्ट्रेशन,डाउनलोड करने के लिए आवेदक को अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन ऑफिसियल पोर्टल पर करना होगा| रजिस्ट्रेशन करने के बाद आवेदक अपना डिजिटल हेल्थ कार्ड को डाउनलोड कर सकेंगे एवं इसी के साथ वे अपना इलाज अच्छे से करवा सकते है | प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदीजी के द्वारा हेल्थ कार्ड रजिस्ट्रेशन को शुरू किया गया है एवं इसका लाभ हर इंसान को मिलेगा | जो आवेदक अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन करना चाहते है वो निचे दी गयी सुचना को पढ़कर अपना हेल्थ कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं एवं इसको देश में कहीं भी दिखाकर अपना मुफ्त इलाज करवा सकते हैं | इस कार्ड का उपयोग सिर्फ इलाज के लिए किया जा सकेगा एवं इसको बनाने पर आपको 14 अंक क एक संख्या दी जाएगी जिसका प्रयोग करके आप अपना इलाज अचे से करवा सकते है | इसको प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको अपना आधार नंबर या फिर अपना मोबाइल नंबर देना पड़ेगा जिसकी सहायता से आप अपना कार्ड डाउनलोड कर सकेंगे | पुफ्री जानकारी निचे दी गयी है इसको अचे से पढ़कर अपना डिजिटल हेल्थ आईडी कार्ड बनवा सकते हैं |
How to Apply Online for NDHM.gov.in Health ID Card Registration 2024?
Health ID will make it easy for you to access and manage your health data in digital mode. Citizens can create their Health ID using their Mobile Number or Aadhaar Number. You will get to set up Personal Health Records, Addresses for consent management, and sharing of health records. Candidates who want to do NDHM.gov.in Health ID Card Registration can now make their health id card by seeing the given steps below. Follow them and make your Digital Health ID Card Registration now.
- Visit Health ID Card Official Website i.e healthid.ndhm.gov.in.
- Click on the “Generate ID” option given on the homepage.
- Now fill your Adhaar Number in the given field.
- An OTP is sent to your registered mobile number with your Adhaar card.
- Now fill the OTP in the given field.
- Create your username for the health id card.
- Now your health id card is made by the government.
- Now you can download it by pressing the download button given below.
health id.ndhm.gov.in Login
The candidates who want to do health id.ndhm.gov.in Login can now login to their health id card using their mobile number. The Mobile number is mandatory for the process of login. So read the given steps below and by following them you can log in easily.
- Visit the official website of the Health ID Card i.e health id.ndhm.gov.in Login.
- Now Click on the Login button.
- Now fill your username and your date of birth in the given fields.
- Now click on the checkbox the “I am not a Robot” option.
- Now click on the login button.
- Now you will log in successfully.
Benefits of Health ID Card Registration
The Benefits of Health ID Card are given below and if they are beneficial for you then you can make your registration successful. See the benefits given below.
- Every candidate can take free treatment from any hospital.
- The best doctors will give you the treatment for your best health.
- The report, medicines will be given free to the citizens.
- The portal is online sp you can make your registration online.
- The medical students can see your tests report anywhere when you give access to them.
Digital Health ID Card Benefits at health id.ndhm.gov.in
Digital Health ID Card is the best card given by the Indian government for making their health more powerful. The Digital Health ID Card is made for every citizen of the country and can take benefit from the PM Modi Health ID Card. The main benefits of digital health id cards are given below you can check the details given below.
- People can take free treatment from the best doctors.
- The person can take treatment without giving any money.
- The citizen can take the digital health id card without giving any money.
- The candidate can gain free medical benefits by availing of the card.
Heath ID Card Helpline Number
Citizens in India can call on the helpline number if they face any problem during registration or have any questions regarding the Health ID Card Registration. The candidates can solve their problems easily by making calls on the helpline numbers given below and can solve their problems on time.
Helpline – 1800-11-4477 / 14477
E-Mail – [email protected]
Official Website | Click Here |
For More Updates Visit | Helplineportal.in |
For Latest Updates Join | Telegram Channel |
Faqs About Health ID Card 2024
What is a Digital Health ID Card?
A Digital Health ID Card is a unique digital card issued by the Indian government for the free treatment of the people of India. This digital card is unique for every citizen and all people can make the card by visiting the official website of the Digital Health ID Card Registration.
No, if you have your mobile number then you can use your mobile number or Adhaar card in place of an Adhaar card. The mobile number will be connected with the Adhaar card so it can take access from there.
No, it is not mandatory for all the candidates, only the registered candidates can Apply for Heath ID Card 2024.
The applicant has to enter their Adhaar number on the official page and then they can register themselves for the Heath ID Card.
The candidates can find their health id by using their mobile number in the given field on the official website.
The Discovery Health ID allows you to know the patient’s record in the history of your health id card.
If you face any type of problem in making the health card then please comment on it in the comment box. We will reply to you instantly.